Mental health is important matter for any person. Metal health disorders are caused to arise lots of diseases for human beings. If you as a person who do not involve for occupation, as a professional, as a religious person or leader, you need mental relaxation to do your any kind of work as proper way. Furthermore, industries are trying to improve the level of mental status of the people to improve the performance and attitudes which are supported to organization. Mental health is important matter as physical health to create better relationship with others, to attain better physical health, to enhance productivity, to cope with stress, to increase retentivity, to live life to the fullest and to attain positive self-image. World health organization and health related recognized bodies locally and globally always provides better place to mental health to improve levels of any work in any industry. All the medical systems have emphasized and allocate separate places to mental health.
Professional Diploma in Psychology and counselling program impacts to support any individual to make their mental health to proper level which as supportive to life, employment and any activity. Our panel is experience unit which are working in relevant industry as counselors. Hence, Student will be able to get real knowledge with real time examples.
G.C.E ordinary Level qualification with general pass for mathematics and English